Yielding Up: A Deep Dive on Dynamic Pricing

Yielding Up: A Deep Dive on Dynamic Pricing

Monday, March 6, 2023 11:30 AM to 12:15 PM · 45 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Room 15, Floor 2 (Raum XV)


Revenue management may be standard practice in other parts of travel, but it’s still early days in tours and attractions, with less than 1% of attractions engaging in dynamic pricing. This workshop will demystify dynamic pricing and provide a practical, in-depth, step-by-step walk-through of how one attraction is implementing dynamic pricing today, delving into - The business case for dynamic pricing - How they got started - What signals they use to set dynamic pricing rules  - Strategies and considerations for raising and discounting - How they work with distributors Who’s this workshop for: attractions and medium/large operators of tours & activities considering dynamic pricing