HMIS - Hanford Mission Integration Solutions
Silver Sponsors
Hanford Mission Integration Solutions is responsible for providing Hanford Site Services, including adequate and reliable water, power, road maintenance, information technology, safeguards and security, sitewide safety standards, training and countless more integrated services and deliverables across the Hanford Site. With the transition to a cleanup operations posture at Hanford, demand for services will increase annually to more than 350,000 megawatts of electricity, 1.4 billion gallons of water treated and supplied, 1 million gigabytes of data, 150,000 student training days at HAMMER, and of course, the ongoing protection of thousands of Hanford Site workers and hundreds of square miles of land. As we maintain vital infrastructure and perform infrastructure upgrades, we will also build future infrastructure to support operation of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
We began operations on January 25, 2021 under the Hanford Mission Essential Services Contract at the Hanford Site. Comprised of globally known and trusted partners Leidos, Centerra and Parsons, HMIS offers Hanford solutions through mission integration. We are committed to introducing innovations and efficiencies to ensure safety, deliver site integration, streamline processes, deliver cost savings and cultivate collaboration to support the One Hanford mission.