



Any Time, Anywhere. The CDLSmartHub web-based IoT platform is accessible from any smartphone, tablet, laptop, or PC without having to install software or apps. Highly Secure All data is securely hosted by a third-party server facility. Flexible IoT Dashboard Our own IoT reporting platform offers geo-positioning, real-time remote monitoring data, configure and manage devices, alarms, audit trails, graphs and trends, dashboards, visualisations, and analytics! Do you want to be able to see all of your sensors and equipment in their current locations? Access data from your sensors and equipment without having to go to the site? And know immediately from one screen whether it's online or not? The CDLSmartHub by Caption Data provides a live map with all of your sensors and equipment and gives you live data and information about their condition. The CDLSmartHub, through which users access their data and which is the beating heart of every user system, now offers dynamic charting allowing concurrent viewing of as many inputs from as many sensors as you wish all on the same dynamic charting screen! Our culture of working with clients in partnership and focusing on a small range of applications means we can help turn information into knowledge – on which you can act. This is through server-based algorithms to analyse and interpret information how you want and send you the resulting knowledge specific to your sector with your vocabulary and a drill-down structure to get as close as you wish to the raw data.
Caption Data Our Remote Monitoring Service Here at Caption Data, our purpose is to harness the Industrial Internet of Things to help power your business. Caption Data connect your people and your assets, end to end, online, and in real-time. So, whether your goal is growing sales, improving customer experience, reducing costs, or managing risks, Caption Data exists to help you unlock your organisations true potential. Above all, Caption Data gives you the tools that allow you to stay ahead in your field. Our Mission Our mission at Caption Data is to give your business a rapid, seamless, and well-supported immersion into IoT. De-risking the implementation of your strategy by utilising the expertise of our highly skilled teams. IoT can add value in many areas in an organisation, so whether you know exactly what you require, or you need our guidance, Caption Data is here to provide that. Caption Data's IoT solutions can in turn help you unlock more touchpoints with your customers. Helping you build stronger relationships with more opportunities. Therefore, Caption Data work closely with you, so that you can work more closely with them. Our Global Reach Furthermore, Caption Data work with some of the world’s leading and largest businesses, as well as small niche players. Caption Data have thousands of systems in service across more than a dozen countries. The CDLSmartHub™ is Caption Data's cloud-based platform. It delivers a true multi-lingual and multi-time zone experience allowing us to support you locally and internationally. As a result, Caption Data currently have systems deployed via our customers across Europe and into North America.  

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