Kunak AIR Pro - Air quality, noise & environment monitoring
Air Quality

The air quality monitoring station for professionals.
After 7 years of designing and deploying small air quality stations all over the world, we have created the new Kunak AIR Pro, a huge evolution of our previous sensor-based air quality monitoring station designed to solve all the lifecycle challenges of an air quality product, its operation and maintenance, as well as the need of every environmental project.
Its multipollutant cutting-edge design includes environmental sensors as well as connectors for external weather sensors or probes which, together with its solar panel operation and real-time wireless data transmission makes the Kunak AIR Pro the most advanced air quality monitoring station on the market.
CO CO2 NO NO2 O3 SO2 H2S NH3 VOCs | PM1 PM2.5 PM10
Temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and dew point.
Kunak Smart Gas Cartdriges solve many of the known issues of sensor technology: sensor variability, factory and field calibration, automatic data invalidation, sensor replacement, network operation and maintenance work.
Kunak’s Smart Gas Cartridges ensure measurement control throughout the life cycle of each sensor, making the Kunak AIR Pro more sustainable and our customers’ lives easier.
GasPlug TECHNOLOGY (patent pending)
All the cartridges have the same size and fit in any of the five available sockets. Inside the cartridge, we install the sensor into a PCB that storages its all information: type, age and factory calibration. When you plug the new cartridge, the basestation just reads the information, configures itself and starts working.