MPX4 Multiparameter Sonde
The ChemScan MPX4 is a cost effective multiprobe that integrates with plant control systems for long term installation using a local controller, direct connection or wireless telemetry. The probe can also be used for spot checking utilizing Bluetooth data collection. With interchangeable sensors, the probe replaces multiple instruments, reducing overall monitoring costs. Highly stable sensors require minimal maintenace and calibration.
Reduces monitoring costs: With ultra-stable sensors that minimize calibration and maintenance needs, the multiprobe reduces total cost of ownership.
Saves hours on fieldwork: The VuSitu mobile app records data directly from the probe for spot checks. The ChemScan Control Point can interface with the probe providing local display and connection to plant control system. Telemetry integration with HydroVu platform
provides real-time access to remote monitoring data.
Delivers higher quality data: Drift-resistant sensors with simplified calibration provde accurate, reliable data - no messy fi eld notebooks required. When using the instrument as a handheld, our mobile app walks you through SOPs to minimize errors. Rugged design with optional antifouling wiper ensures performance in harsh environments for longer deployments.
Ease of use: Streamlined data collection and automatic environmental compensation mean zero-processing, while our mobile app lets you tag sites and track GPS coordinates.