TurbiTechw² Sensor

The market leading TurbiTechw² range of sensors are designed for monitoring Suspended Solids and/or Turbidity and incorporate a fully automatic self contained slef-cleaning system.
It is the self-cleaning system that makes these sensors expectionally reliable and easy to operate.
The sensors use a solids state infrared light source providing a stable and long lasting basis for the measurements, the optical surfaces and sample volumes have deliberately been kept large to improve tolerance of fouling during the periods between the automatic self-clean action.
The mechanical cleaning system means that there is no need for expensive and troublesome compressors that are required for air blast cleaning. The sensor can be serviced in minutes without the need for specialist training.
The LS version of the TurbiTechw² sensor uses 90° Light Scatter as their operating principle. They are compliant with the international standard for Turbidity monitoring ISO 7027.
The 90° Light Scater principle gives excellent linearity and repeatability up to 500 FTU's after which we recommend user change to a light attenuation based sensor such as the TurbiTechw² LA or HR