Spotlight 400 FT-IR
Laboratory Instrumentation

Your materials characterization challenges come in all shapes and sizes – and as your lab expands and become more centralized, increased sample volumes get to be a challenge as well. Whether you’re determining composition or identifying defects in advanced materials, performing pharma QA/QC, supporting forensics teams, or engaging in academic research, you need FT-IR instrumentation that’s flexible and easy to operate, getting you ready for whatever comes your way.
Our Spotlight™ IR microscope and imaging systems are engineered to help you meet your challenges, large and small. These systems deliver simple operation that’s easy enough for novices to perform, clear software controls for any size sample type, streamlined reporting tools, and the flexibility and sensitivity that make it the perfect addition to any lab setting, in any discipline.
With Spotlight IR microscopy and imaging solutions, all your people can start concentrating on their core responsibility: moving your science forward.