SMART 6™ - Rapid Solids / Moisture Analyser
Enhance wastewater process and quality control with real-time results.
Solids management from the clarifier to final disposal represents 50 – 60% of the total operating expenses of the wastewater treatment process.
The SMART 6™ system provides a rapid, accurate analysis that allows real-time adjustments of the dewatering process.
Reduce polymer costs with equipment adjustments.
The compact SMART 6™ provides accurate solids analysis in under 3 minutes. This versatile and easy-to-use system can measure effluent solids as low as 500 ppm and sludge up to 60% solids. Having the ability to rapidly determine the cake solids during dewatering, enables quick equipment adjustments to reduce polymer costs. For example, if the lowest polymer cost per dry ton of solids is achieved at a target value of 20% solids, operators can perform hourly solids tests and reduce the polymer feed every time the cake is greater than 20%. Even a modest 10% reduction in polymer use could save thousands of pounds per year.