Young In Ace



Young In Ace is an expert of Mass Spectrometry company created by experts from various fields. we research and produce autonomously, this essential equipment in R&D and industry, to develop methods and provide multiple solutions to clients. 

ACE 1100 Ion-Molecule Reaction Mass Spectrometer(IMR-MS) is an optimized mass spectrometer for qualitative and quantitative analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs).

GC-MS and LC-MS use chromatography systems (GC, HPLC) for the separation of analysis compounds and need the interface between mass spectrometer and chromatography system.

In contrast with GC-MS & LC-MS, IMR-MS loads sample directly into the mass spectrometer and immediately can get analysis results in real-time. It can be used not only in the laboratory but also on-site analysis is required, the place where the online monitoring is necessary. 

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Ambient MonitoringEnvironmental AuditsFence line MonitoringGas AnalysisIndoor Air QualityOdour Monitoring and TreatmentTrace Metal MonitoringVehicle Emission MonitorsWastewater monitors

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