DustScanAQ is an independent, employee-owned environmental consultancy specialising in dust, air quality and odour monitoring and assessment services. The firm also provides a range of low-cost dust and air quality monitoring equipment, analytical services and occupational aerosol exposure and indoor air quality assessment services.
Products on Display
DustScan Cloud - Real-time, continuous PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 monitor (MCERTS indicative certification pending) - the lowest cost for equivalent monitors in the UK market!
The DustScan Cloud sends PM concentration (µg/m3) data to the cloud, where an algorithm corrects for temperature and humidity (rather than a heated inlet). The units therefore have a low power consumption and can be run off-grid using solar panels. Data can be viewed and managed online or sent to other data management software.
Our monitor is designed specifically to meet the criteria for fenceline PM10 monitoring set out in the HS2 Code of Construction Practice, the GLA Control of Dust and Emissions during Construction and Demolition planning guidance and the IAQM Guidance on Monitoring in the Vicinity of Demolition and Construction Sites.
Exhibitors WWEM / AQE
Products Offered
Air SamplersAmbient MonitoringConsultancy servicesFence line MonitoringIndoor Air QualityLaboratory Testing ServicesMcerts InstrumentsOperator Monitoring AssessmentPersonal Air SamplersPortable samplersTrace Metal MonitoringWorkplace Monitoring