Hangzhou Chunlai Technology Co., Ltd



Chunlai is one of the leading OEM manufacturers of gas monitoring instruments and systems for a wide variety of applications. Both fixed and portable instruments are utilised in industrial, environmental and civil protection applications including stack emission monitoring & process control, air quality monitoring and water quality monitoring etc.  Our instruments can be customised by professional staff who understand your compliance testing needs and can provide you with the best solutions.

We’re sure that you will be pleased with our level of performance and our commitment to provide your esteemed organization with quality products, services and solutions.

Products on Display
GA-5000 UV DOAS Module EM-5 flue gas analyzer CEMS LGT-510 laser gas analysis module LGT-100 in-situ laser gas analyzer LGT-180 panel mounted laser gas analyzer GA-5000GI laser gas analysis on site system AQMS
Exhibitors WWEM / AQE
Products Offered
Ambient MonitoringATEX Approved equipmentCEMSFence line MonitoringFlow measurementFTIRGas AnalysisGas DetectionGas SensingMercury MonitoringOdour Monitoring and TreatmentOnline Water monitorsPredictive Emission MonitoringWastewater monitorsWater AnalysersWater Quality Testing

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