Yara UK
Hydrogen sulphide (H₂S), is a toxic gas that is often found in sewerage systems, sewage treatment works and industrial wastewater treatment facilities. It develops due to biological activity in oxygen limited environments within the wastewater.
There are many technologies to combat odour pollution linked to hydrogen
sulphide. Some only mask the problem; others, such as YaraNutrioxTM
are preventive. YaraNutrioxTM is a natural process developed by Yara
since the late 1980s. It is used by municipals at thousands of locations
globally with hydrogen sulphide problems.
YaraNutrioxTM is a system for preventing hydrogen sulphide and the odours related. YaraNutrioxTM acts at the source of the problem, and is often automatically injected at precise amounts by Yara’s advanced dose management technology, where and when needed, into sewerage systems or sewage treatment works. Using complex modelling and dosinge quipment Yara ensures the optimum injection rate is applied to eliminate odourcomplaints from the community, and also prevent the risk of employee or public exposure to this highly toxic gas.