Aquamonitrix Ltd
Aquamonitrix Ltd is dedicated to providing water resource managers with accurate, simple & affordable analysers for nutrient monitoring. Our Aquamonitrix® Nitrate & Nitrite Analyser offers accurate and selective real-time nitrate and nitrite measurements in fresh and wastewater.
Products on Display
The Aquamonitrix® Nitrate & Nitrite Analyser, offering laboratory-quality accuracy; selective nitrate and nitrite detection, instant data transmission; stable calibration; blockage-resistant sample-intake even in wastewater; portability; 'plug, play & forget' intervention-free operation, ease of servicing; and low opex costs.
Exhibitors WWEM / AQE
Products Offered
Groundwater SamplingMcerts InstrumentsNetwork Control SystemsOnline Water monitorsPortable samplersSensorsSmart City NetworksWastewater monitorsWastewater samplersWater AnalysersWater Quality Testing