Remote Monitoring
Contract Research
Source data and other essential study information, such as informed consent forms, approvals, and other relevant study records are readily available for on-site monitor review. However, current travel restrictions make the on-site review process challenging.
DFdiscover eClinical software suite provides monitors with the tools they need to successfully review and monitor the data both onsite and remotely. Remote monitoring capability is inherent to DFdiscover, but can also be implemented as an add-on feature to other/existing clinical data capture and data management (EDC) systems.
Securely uploading scanned documents will allow authorized monitors and other users to view the documents remotely as if they were physically at the sites. DFdiscover provides electronic binders or eBinders organized by subject ID. As with a physical binder, tabs and placeholder pages provides clinical sites with a simple interface to attach and manage scanned paper and other documents.