StudyKIK's eConsent allows patients to sign consent to join a clinical trial or any other consent needed electronically and with ease. Remove the hassle of the patient signing consent for a clinical trial on paper, reading through lengthy legal documents, and the need to re-consent on additional paper forms during constant amendment updates.
Backed by the leading e-signature technology Docusign, which is verified to maintain compliance with HIPAA, CCPA, GDPR and Privacy Sheild. StudyKIK's eConsent solution is focused on the security and privacy of our platform, ensuring document storage complies with the latest state, federal, and international requirements, while providing the most user friendly experience for both patients and research sites.
If you would like more information about our eConsent feature, please sign up here: https://info.studykik.com/full-service
We will be in contact with you soon!