Microbiome Profiling Services
Equipment & Device Manufacturers
We offer a reliable microbiome analysis using cutting-edge genomics and informatics. We help our customers with study design and collection through to data generation and full custom analysis.
Quality is Everything
We control every step of microbiome analysis, from the moment your samples are collected to the final data analysis.
Iterate faster. Get insight sooner
Our platform is designed around generating fast, accurate, massive data sets to help you iterate the scientific process and get to insights faster.
Don't diagnose...Predict
We combine meticulous sample processing and DNA sequencing with machine learning to help you discover the next breakthrough.
Talk to our experts for a study design consultation
Our platforms:
• Microbial amplicon sequencing – The gold-standard for amplicon sequencing of bacteria and fungi at scale
• Shotgun metagenomic sequencing – Accurate shallow-shotgun metagenomic sequencing that gives you a data boost with species-level profiles and functional profiling not provided by amplicon sequencing
• Deep shotgun metagenomic sequencing – Allows you to explore the rarest members of a microbiome
• Whole-genome shotgun sequencing of microbial isolates – Comprehensive strain-bank profiling of bacterial isolates