Immune Profiling using Multiparametric Flow Cytometry
Contract Research
At Caprion, we harness the potential of multiparametric flow cytometry and work closely with our clients to rapidly deliver accurate immune profiles. Our flow cytometry platform allows for the identification, quantification, and monitoring of the cell populations of interest as well as their functional activity using off-the-shelf or highly customized panels.
The following services can be used to study cell populations/subsets at steady state or following treatment and/or stimulation:
- Cell Enumeration
- Cellular Phenotyping – Intra-cellular and surface profiling
- Cellular Proliferation and Cell Cycling
- Cell Sorting (FACS) – Isolate subsets of interest
- MDSC Assays – Follow the expression of myeloid-derived suppressor cells
- Receptor Occupancy (RO) - Assess the binding characteristics of therapeutics
- Epitope Mapping – Identify T-cell epitopes and monitor responding T-cell subsets
- Phosphoflow – Map pathways by monitoring phosphorylation status in cells
- Degranulation (BAT) – Measure basophil degranulation
- Intracellular Cytokine Staining (ICS) - Monitoring cytokine production
- Multimer Staining Assay – Test antigen-specific responses
- Kinase Profiling – Decipher biochemical events by monitoring specific phospho-epitopes
For more information: https://immunecarta.com/en/immune-monitoring-services-technology/multiparametric-flow-cytometry.php