Nucleus network
Nucleus Network is Australia’s largest Phase 1 clinical
research organisation and the only Phase 1 specialist globally with phase I
facilities in the US and Australia.
Our Australian phase I facilities are located in Melbourne
and Brisbane, and our US phase I facility is located in Minnesota. Combined,
our clinics offer over 200 beds. All three clinics are strategically co-located
within leading medical, research and biotech precincts: the Alfred Hospital in
Melbourne, the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital in Brisbane, and Medical
Alley in Minnesota. These precincts provide Nucleus with unique access to
ancillary services including bioanalytical laboratories, MRI, lumbar punctures,
chest X-rays, ophthalmology assessments among others, hence providing a one
stop solution to clients.
In the United States, our Minnesota facility has the
versatility to conduct Healthy Volunteer studies as well as specialisation in
Renal, Hepatic and GI studies. Nucleus conducts approximately 70 phase I studies per year,
with approximately 30 of these being true first-in-human trials. Nucleus have
extensive previous experience with both biologic and small molecule products
across most therapeutic areas.
Since our establishment in 2004, Nucleus Network has
conducted over 700 phase I clinical trials, with 80% of our clients consisting
of US based biotech and pharmaceutical companies. Across our international footprint, we have access to a
population of over 10.5 million people across all 3 sites, and the ability to
offer a multi-site solution in recruiting participants and patients to our
Together with our client partners, we are
fulfilling our purpose of ‘Advancing medicine, improving lives.’