Dielectric Spectroscopy as a PAT Tool for the Viral Vector Manufacturing Process.

Dielectric Spectroscopy as a PAT Tool for the Viral Vector Manufacturing Process.

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Dielectric Spectroscopy as a PAT Tool for the Viral Vector Manufacturing Process.
Dielectric Spectroscopy as a PAT Tool for the Viral Vector Manufacturing Process.


Dielectric Spectroscopy is a technique which is commonly used as a process analytical tool to monitor and control cell growth and characteristics within biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes by determining the permittivity (capacitance per cm) of cell culture within a bioreactor. The application of this technology is utilised in both suspension and adherent cell cultures for viable cell counting and has demonstrated to have additional analytical benefits when applied to virus manufacturing processes. This tool has been shown to facilitate the increase of and reduced variation in batch productivity by providing real time, actionable feedback, helping to address industry issues surrounding meeting vector demand and batch-to-batch repeatability.

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