Axon Vibe

Gold Sponsor


Axon Vibe’s location-based Smart Mobility and Lifestyle Platform understands and predicts real-world door-to-door passenger behaviour by leveraging 24/7 smartphone sensor data analytics. 

BEHAVIOUR CHANGE. We understand and predict travel behaviour of public transport customers and enable behaviour change (e.g. modal shift, peak to off-peak) in public transport mobile apps.

NET ZERO EMISSIONS. By rewarding carbon neutral behaviour we increase customer satisfaction and help public transport operators and authorities achieve net zero carbon goals and access green financing. 

ANCILLARY REVENUE. Rewards contributed by commercial businesses (e.g. coffee shops, retailers, co-working spaces) increase footfall in their shops and create up-selling opportunities. Our business model unlocks new revenue potential for public transport operators and authorities. 

We work with MTA New York, Deutsche Bahn, East Japan Railway Company and seek further strategic partnerships with innovative public transport operators and authorities.

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