Better supporting adolescents living with rare disease

Better supporting adolescents living with rare disease

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM · 1 hr. (Africa/Abidjan)
Interactive Roundtable



Participants are expected to interact, switch on their webcams and mic to speak openly with our roundtable moderators and other participants on this topic. This session is LIVE and will NOT be on demand after, so make sure you join us!


Patient transition from paediatric to adults services is such a consistent issue in rare genetic conditions we wanted a session dedicated to best practice in delivering better experience and ouctomes for adolescent patients (and their care-gvers!) living with rare disease.  The round table will start with recent lived experience of a Mum and Daughter before opening up to other attendees to hear their thoughts and experience.

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