Fórmulas De Cambio

Fórmulas De Cambio



Formulas De Cambio is a documentary series of microprograms that tells stories of life and projects that have been impacted by science. It is a journey through the different regions of Colombia in search of characters who, through research, technology and innovation, have generated a transformation in their communities. This series is above all an x-ray of Colombian ingenuity and talent; a journey inside some of the most restless minds of the country. With the characteristics of the documentary genre, using interviews, staging, visual descriptions of the geographical context and with a motivational tone, the cases of Colombian entrepreneurs are narrated with inspiring stories who have dedicated themselves to working in favor of their environments and communities. It is definitely a bet to make visible the agents of change as a contribution to inclusion, social development and peace from the scientific field.
Everything is ScienceEverything is Science (Todo es Ciencia in spanish) is the science communication strategy promoted by Minciencias (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation), it has 4 components, they all share the same purpose of evidencing the universality of science, technological development and research, but above all the importance of recognizing them in daily events. Through Science Technology and Innovation matters to society, numerous actions responding to the interests and needs of different audiences. For example an outstanding audiovisual content production that includes web and tv series, the writing of journalist and opinion articles, different inspirational activations oriented to children and youngsters. Everything is Science seeks to narrow the wide gap existing in the Colombian society with respect to the importance of science, technology, and innovation. Above all, it wishes to highlight the urgency of inserting the sciences on our daily consumption experiences, contextualizing them, and expressing them in languages not merely technical or excluding, but enticing and inviting people to reflect. Everything Science is a network to promote critical thinking around issues of science, technology and innovation. In two digital scenarios (web and social network) driven by the creation and circulation of contents of the previous content, various genres and formats such as: opinion columns, articles with recognized writers of the country and live broadcasts. The purpose is to make a call to curiosity and propose participation from what’s common in daily life".

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