Pentair BioBasic - Biogas Upgrading System

Pentair BioBasic - Biogas Upgrading System



The simple approach to turning biogas into bio-methane is realized with Pentair’s BioBasic, which recovers bio-methane as a replacement for fossil-based natural gas while meeting quality requirements in a cost-efficient solution. The system is easily integrated with upstream and downstream equipment providing high operational readiness and availability (uptime). The BioBasic is delivered to the site after a short and optimized fabrication time allowing for rapid project execution. The bio-methane can be injected into existing gas grids as a sustainable replacement of fossil natural gas or it can be utilized as fuel – either as Renewable Compressed Natural Gas (Renewable CNG) or Renewable Liquid Natural Gas (Renewable LNG). Utilizing bio-methane eliminates fossil fuel-based carbon emissions in industrial and domestic environments, transportation, electricity, and heat production.

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