Silo-King Forage Treatment

Silo-King Forage Treatment

Silo-King Forage Treatment
Silo-King Forage Treatment


Producing high quality forages has been at the centre Agri-King’s research and development for the last 50 years. Silo-King is Agri-King’s multi-purpose forage treatment programme designed to help our clients get the maximum value from every kilogram of forage harvested. The synergistic ingredients in Silo-King work together to guide forages through the ensiling process, predigest fibres and complex starches and provide aerobic stability to limit spoilage. The lactic acid bacteria and enzymes in Silo-King are all approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), having undergone lengthy trials for quality, safety and efficacy. Silo-King is the only product that contains enzymes approved by EFSA to treat forages.

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