Amine scrubber upgrading

Amine scrubber upgrading

Chemical (Amine) Scrubbers
Amine scrubber upgrading
Amine scrubber upgrading
Amine scrubber upgrading
Amine scrubber upgrading


Our upgrading is called Amine scrubber, below is one example comparison between membrane and amine scrubber upgrading. Our plant eats 0,1 kWh Electricity /m3 biogas. A membrane unit is 0,2-0,3 Our plant is wasting 0,04% of the methane, the membrane is >0,5% Our plant does not need pretreatment for H2S, membrane requests pretreatment Our plant can make the methane much more concentrated and without oxygen. Our plant is the most efficient on the marked. If needed, we can remove CO2 to < 0,01%, and still loos only 0,04% of the methane, and still with a low power consumption.

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