Clayton Hall Farm: Open Sesame®

Operator - Crop/Farm


Open Sesame® increases the number of active bacteria that digest otherwise unused feedstock leading to increased gas output and increased income. We are not an enzyme solution.

Clayton Hall Farm is the Inventor, manufacturer, supplier of Open Sesame®; a biological additive increasing the digestion of fibre. No capital costs/pre-treatment; just continue your current feeding routine. Open Sesame® increases fibre digestion, producing c.30% more biogas and halving digestion times. Benefits being c.25% less feedstock and hence 25% less digestate, which is smoother thus reducing storage/wear and tear costs. Please contact us to find out more and discuss further savings/opportunities which Open Sesame® opens up through changes to AD/farming practices. We have hands-on experience from running our own farm and AD plant for the last 10 years and you will speak to practical people. We are selling to Germany and have German contacts you can speak to. ADBA Research finalist 2018, Highly Commended 2019.

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