Verdant Biotech

Technology Developer/Seller


Verdant Biotech exclusively supply our partner Biopract ABT's enzymes to UK and Irish Anaerobic Digestion plants.

Using the right enzyme in your anaerobic digester significantly improves yield, process operation and plant economy

· Increases substrate utilization, and thus the entire degradation to biogas.

· Improves stir-ability and supports to maintain a stable plant operation.

· Removes floating layers and prevents new formation.

· Optimizes the productivity, and thus the profitability of plant operation.

· Reduces the amount of fermentation residue.

Biopract are the pioneers in the development of enzymes for biogas plants. In their Berlin-based laboratory, they have their own R&D department to deliver optimal enzyme activities for certain substrate mixes. In addition, an extensive application testing process ensures enzymatic effects on substrate and fermenter material before recommending our enzymes to customers.

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