Going, Going, Gone!  Are you one of the 10 lucky ones?

Going, Going, Gone! Are you one of the 10 lucky ones?



PROS will be giving away 10 BauBax jackets. Haven't heard of them? They're tagged as the World's Best Travel Jacket and you'll definitely want one going into 2021! - 25 built-in features - Inflatable neckrest - Built-in gloves - Detachable pen + stylus on zipper - Sleep mask ... and so much more. Fill out our quick survey and we'll draw THREE lucky winners on Wednesday and Thursday, and FOUR winners on Friday. Survey link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=evtMCTHRN0aQR-M559BDWXBa77rKEHVNqBM-Bn8q5QZUQVIzSDRYUjZGRzc5REo3MFdYWjZIRzNGRy4u

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