PRESENTATION: Unlocking collaboration between Uber and airports: Driving a better, safer, and more consistent journey for travelers around the world

PRESENTATION: Unlocking collaboration between Uber and airports: Driving a better, safer, and more consistent journey for travelers around the world

Thursday, September 24, 2020 2:30 PM to 2:45 PM · 15 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Channel 2
AirportsBusiness ModelsCollaborationPassenger Experience


• How can partnerships unlock the power of technology and best practices globally to give travelers a safe, consistent experience no matter which airport they're traveling through?

• With services available at more than 600 airports in 63 countries, and a deep investment in technology and on-the-ground operations to enable seamless airport trips, how is Uber uniquely positioned to help airports recover their business?

• What trends in consumer behavior do we see on our platform that inform how airports, airlines, and Uber can better address rapidly evolving passenger needs?

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