Immersive Excitement - How immersive products are reimagining onboard experiences for airline passengers

Immersive Excitement - How immersive products are reimagining onboard experiences for airline passengers

Track 3 - IFEC
Fireside Chat


The pandemic accelerated both the digital transformation and customer centricity while leaving many open questions for airlines about how to re-connect with their passengers and create new excitement onboard the cabin.


Join us as we discuss immersive solutions to bring back the excitement for passengers onboard and explore innovative approaches to re-engaging with what is at the core of every airline: your guests. Come onboard with us to:

• explore digital products to inject more emotion into the Onboard Point of Sale

• understand why co-creation and collaboration are the value drivers of tomorrow's onboard products

• answer how airlines can maximize their onboard guest experience and drive ancillary revenues

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