Reclaiming the Moments of Truth - is this even on the agenda for airlines in the digital age?

Reclaiming the Moments of Truth - is this even on the agenda for airlines in the digital age?

Track 2 - Air Retail


  • When Moments of Truth was published in 1987 airlines were at the forefront of marketing but no one thinks of airlines being the thought leaders in digital visions.
  • This session suggests that the starting point for airlines should be an absolute commitment to understanding and respecting each and every individual and not treating them as segments or averages
  • Digital moments of truth for each and every individual are possible and are being implemented with success and this intro will show a way forward
bd4travel GmbHD32Winning (loyal) friends rather than casual browsers is difficult for airlines. To do this continuously and at scale requires data-driven automation rather than opinion driven guesswork. This means putting automated customer centricity at the heart of your processes. At bd4travel, we believe it is impossible to create a relationship with a segment or an audience. Yet e-commerce has been built on such segments and averages - often due to external partners and internal airline IT landscapes that are not ready for the challenges of individualisation. bd4travel provides the first solution that enables airlines to understand and target each individual, known and unknown in their immediate context. Built with market-specific machine learning models, it enables the automation of the complexity resulting from human behaviour and decision making in real-time.  The bd4travel Experience Optimisation Platform predicts individual user intent, aligns the next best actions through deep product and service profiling and matches them in real-time. This creates personalized and powerful 1:1 e-commerce experiences.  With our award-winning platform and proven use-cases, bd4travel is successfully serving a set of European and Middle Eastern-based airline businesses and international travel organisations. If this sounds relevant, do come by our booth D32 for a chat and exchange of thoughts. We are keen to learn from your experiences and challenges. Let’s discuss what it takes to listen to users, drive conversion, approach individuals, improve ancillary sales and reduce churn – leading to happier customers and loyal friends of your brand.

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