Biometrics and automation Panel: How will advances in digital identity and automation tech help us leverage seamless/touchless experiences that can ultimately enable a speedier recovery?

Biometrics and automation Panel: How will advances in digital identity and automation tech help us leverage seamless/touchless experiences that can ultimately enable a speedier recovery?

Thursday, December 2, 2021 11:30 AM to 12:15 PM · 45 min. (Europe/London)
Track 6 - Airport T.EX Stream B
Panel Discussions


  • Overcoming the data and privacy issue – Is this the number 1 barrier to achieving seamless travel and if so, how do we overcome it?
  • How far away are we from the implementation of self-sovereign identity for air travel?
  • Following the pandemic what is the new level of automation expected at the airport and how can we cope with higher passenger numbers and more complexity layered on?
  • How close are we to creating an effective ecosystem that incorporates all stakeholders or will this be solved by a big tech company taking over the end-to-end experience?
  • What kinds of opportunities beyond security could the future of biometrics hold and what are the challenges of integrating digital wallets in to the mix?

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