Panel: How can airlines become more effective retailers that are customer-centric rather than order centric?

Panel: How can airlines become more effective retailers that are customer-centric rather than order centric?

Track 2 - Air Retail
Panel Discussions


  • As business recovery is likely to be uneven and based on location how do we restart successfully while also take retailing to the next level?
  • Has the pandemic given you an opportunity to rethink what retailing means to your airline?
  • Where are the opportunities to enable more self-service through mobile and do we rely too much on pushing offers at the booking stage?
  • As the need for real-time information, personalized offers and seamless transactions grow how can we move airline retailing into the future so we are closer to our customers?
  • What is next beyond NDC and how will airlines mature as retailers as we head in to 2022?

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