Panel: How can airlines transform themselves into more lifestyle oriented programs with a wider range of non-air earn and burn opportunities?
Track 5 - Aviation Loyalty
Panel Discussions
- How can we crack the elusive millenial and Gen Z segment and what drives loyalty in these segments?
- Understanding how we can rethink coalition loyalty and what is the future of end-to-end loyalty?
- How can we create a supply chain and partnership ecosystem that has the ability to react more frequently by delivering dynamic loyalty models that better suit todays customers?
- What doe the increase in sustainability awareness from passengers mean for our loyalty offering and how do we balance sustainability with loyalty?

Sid Krishna
Director, Loyalty, Cobrand and PartnershipsSpirit Airlines
Pekka Antila
Head of LoyaltyFinnair
Anthony Woodman
Vice President Customer Journeys and RewardVirgin Atlantic Airways
Harald Deprosse
PartnerEnvolved GmbH
Grant McCarthy
Director of LoyaltyCarTrawler
Matthew Hall
Head of Loyalty Planning and DevelopmentAir Canada
Kian Gould