Panel: How can airlines keep up with the power shift towards customers, and offer more flexibility to give that Uber experience?
Track 4 - Aviation Payments
Panel Discussions
- During the pandemic the payments ecosystem went in reverse, how do we successfully scale back up again?
- How can we manage this new level of complexity and do payments teams still have the knowledge base to keep up with the new normal?
- With the introduction of NDC how are airlines coping with this new hybrid model that has shifted more of the risk towards the airline?
- How can you balance new models and ways of paying such as BNPL, PWYF and P2P with existing booking flows?
- Where are the opportunities in payments once you build more of a retailer mentality and how can we take more of an advantage of mobile payments for ancillaries?
- Are customer experience teams now starting to see opportunities from a payment point of view?

Frank Gubba
Product Manager - Loyalty Strategy & PaymentsIcelandair
Keith Wallis
Senior Director Distribution and PaymentsAir Canada
Paul van Alfen
MDUp in the air travelTL
Thomas Lindner
Head of Payment IT Hub AirlinesLufthansaCF
Chris Fendley
Executive Vice President,Enterprise PartnershipsMastercard