CIO/CDO Panel: Accelerating digital strategies as a real game changer during Covid – are we in a good position now to take full advantage of cloud and the latest technologies emerging?
Wednesday, December 1, 2021 12:55 PM to 1:40 PM · 45 min. (Europe/London)
Track 1 - Aviation IT
Panel Discussions
Digital TransformationIT
- What will be your digital priorities for the years ahead and will long term IT transformations be less of a focus in the years to come?
- How do you balance the lack of capital expenditure with the extra layer of complexity we now face due to travel restrictions and interoperability issues?
- In what way can we cater for the increase in passenger expectations based on their enhanced digital experiences from other industries during the pandemic?
- What will future collaboration models look like and how will you balance this with a requirement for more sustainable solutions?
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Dee Waddell
Global Managing Director, Travel And TransportationIBM
Christophe Bousquet
Chief Technology Officer Senior Vice President, Technology Platforms & Shared CapabilitiesAmadeus
Stuart Birrell
Chief Data and Information OfficereasyJet
Clare Ward
Principal, Digital Transformation & AviationAquila
Ido Biger
CIO & Chief Data OfficerEL AL Israel Airlines