Dame Fiona Kendrick, formerly Nestlé UK and Ireland

Dame Fiona Kendrick, formerly Nestlé UK and Ireland



A key part of job satisfaction is finding the work that you do engaging and meaningful. However, this widely understood concept is, unfortunately, so rarely realized. Dame Fiona Kendrick, for one, can count herself among the lucky ones. At the beginning of her career, faced with a number of offers, she decided to join Nestlé because, amongst other reasons, she could relate to the company’s products. “You have to find work that really interests you if you are going to enjoy it, be good at it, and ultimately find it fulfilling.” Last year, after 40 years with the company, where she reached the post of Chairman& CEO for Nestlé UK and Ireland, she stepped down and now has several non-executive director roles. Today, as part of Agribriefing’s Women in Food and Agriculture initiative, she shares with Flexnews the lessons and perspectives acquired over four decades at the world’s biggest food company.

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