Rotterdam De Boer Op



Impactfonds duurzame voedselketen Rotterdam is part of the larger Rotterdam De Boer Op! program. The focus of the program is to support nature inclusive farmers and connect the citizens in the larger Rotterdam-The Hague metropolitan area with the surrounding countryside to have them understand that their consumer behavior can directly affect the biodiversity in the region.

The investment fund focusses on supporting pioneers that connect regenerative farmers with consumers by investing with equity and (subordinated) loans. Key trends are a.o. the connection between food and health, localized distribution/market systems and (voluntary) true pricing. We are specifically looking for entrepreneurs that are active in the larger Rotterdam area food chain and have a focus on facilitating the transition towards regenerative farming.

Looking for
Companies that are active in the Rotterdam-The Hague area food chain that are facilitating the transition towards more regenerative farming.
Investor type
Venture Capital
Growth stage
Seed (<10 people, <1M funding or revenue)Early growth (11-50 people, 1-10M funding or revenue)
Solution scope
Hardware + Software

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