


About InnovationQuarter

InnovationQuarter funds disruptive startups & scale-ups that create a smarter, healthier, more sustainable world. High risk, but also high impact. InnovationQuarter is a patient investor with a extensive network of over 250 co-investors and wide-ranging in-house knowlegde on international expansion and innovation. InnovationQuarter invests from four funds: UNIIQ, ENERGIIQ, InnovationQuarter Capital, and the Energy Transition Fund Rotterdam.


UNIIQ is a € 47 million proof-of-concept fund set up by Erasmus MC, TU Delft, Leiden University and InnovationQuarter to bridge the most risky phase from concept to promising company.


ENERGIIQ is a € 35 million fund to finance the commercialization of proven energy innovations that lead to CO2 reduction. The funds come from the Province of Zuid-Holland.

InnovationQuarter Capital

IQCapital offers young technology companies and SMEs with growth plans in the region venture capital to bring innovations to market with a size of 143m. It is a 'revolving' fund, meaning that proceeds are reinvested.

Energie transitiefonds Rotterdam (ETFR)

ETFR is the City of Rotterdam's €100m investment fund, financing innovative companies and major sustainable projects that can contribute to Rotterdam's energy transition and circular economy. With the fund, the city aims to reduce CO2 emissions, improve air quality and reduce the use of raw materials. InnovationQuarter acts as fund manager for the Energy Transition Fund Rotterdam.

Looking for
Disruptive startups & scale-ups that create a smarter, healthier, more sustainable world.
Investor type
Venture Capital
Growth stage
Seed (<10 people, <1M funding or revenue)Early growth (11-50 people, 1-10M funding or revenue)
Solution scope
Hardware + Software
Pre-seedSeedSeries A
AgricultureBiotechChemicalsCleantechClimate techEnergyFintechHealthRoboticsSecuritySpace

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