Composite SIP brick slip lintels and arches
Case studies
Kiwa’s BDA Agrément® as a route for manufacturers to show the market that their product is fit for purpose in its intended use. Giving warranty providers and housebuilders confidence in the products safety.
Why is the Composite brick slip lintel and arch project happening?
Concerns regarding the safety and durability of composite lintels and arches have been raised by stakeholders in the construction industry, with no clear way for manufacturers to prove that their products are fit for purpose.
What is the Composite brick slip lintel and arch project?
The project is an interim measure with industry backing, to allow the continued use of light weight SIP feature lintels and arches ahead of third-party certification.
The agreed process involves assessment based on an approved test programme, to show fitness for purpose and an expected 60yr life of the product.
Manufacturers had to enter contract with a suitable third-party certification body by 31st December 2020, with the certification issued by 30th June 2021.
What is the project outcome expected to be?
The industry will have a clear list of approved manufacturers to pick from, with confidence that the product is fit for purpose and that the supply chain has good quality control procedures.
The role of Kiwa
The BDA Agrément® process is designed to underpin the “safety and fitness for purpose” of products destined for the UK construction market. Products are examined and rigorously tested following precise installation instructions. Agréments confirm the compliance and durability of the product under the specified method of installation.