Kiwa BDA Agrément®
The BDA Agrément® process is designed to underpin the “safety and fitness for purpose” of products destined for the UK construction market.. Products are examined and rigorously tested following precise installation instructions.
Agréments confirm the compliance and durability of the product under the specified method of installation.
Agréments are recognised by architects, specifiers, engineers and Building Control personnel, and give suppliers and purchasers the confidence that their products are suitable for their intended use and fit for purpose.
Kiwa Building Products issues the BDA Agrément® for building envelope products and systems. Typically, thermal performance, structural performance (e.g. wind-uplift resistance), condensation and water penetration risk, behaviour in relation to fire and durability are included in the scope of Agrément where appropriate.
The BDAAgrément® process takes into account:
• European product standards, relevant codes of practice and test reports
• Independently verified product characteristics
• Factory production control
• Annual verification procedures
• Points of attention for the specifier and specific details
• Installation procedure
• Compliance with Building Regulations and any other required standards
• Boundaries of use (restriction to geographical scope)
• Validity
Information herein does not supercede any Product Declaration of Performance essential characteristics under harmonised European standards