Re-use of Waste Consultancy
We test and advise on the recycling and re-use of waste.
Recycling/re-use of former waste or by-products for use in construction is on the increase driven, amongst other things, by the UK Waste Strategy, Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) and the Hierarchy of Waste.
This includes use of former waste materials as secondary aggregates in both bound (concrete, building products for example) and unbound (sub-base, bulk fill etc.) scenarios.
This service is used by construction companies, contractors and civil engineers.
Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA), Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag (GGBS) and Furnace Bottom Ash (FBA) are already established and other materials are under consideration including Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) which is being used in certain highways related applications and may well progress to wider use once a corresponding WRAP Protocol appears beyond the Environment Agency’s corresponding Regulatory Position Statement (RPS 017).
The overall philosophy is sound but should never be seen as constituting any kind of de-regulation. Appropriate control is essential and this involves testing and analysis at the key stages:
• Source (former waste) materials, R&D/development including compliance with End of Waste Quality Protocols
• FPC related testing
• Product compliance testing
• In-service issues (Monolithic “tank“ testing)
• "End of life” consideration (demolition/re-use/disposal scenarios)
We can help via a full range of chemical, geotechnical/geo-environmental and physical testing services including requirements under WRAP and the Specification for Highways.