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To pay for travel by any kind of transport without taking your hands out of your pocket has become possible! Without touching your smartphone, or your bank or transport card, not
to mention cash! m:PASS has developed a hands-free smartphone-based contactless ticketing Bluetooth-using technology.
m:PASS has amazingly combined passenger comfort and COVID safety. On the one hand, people more and more do not want to remember about routine (auto-payments, Smart Homes, etc.).
On the other hand, one of the main sources of COVID and other infections, as a place of mass
gathering of people, is public transport, in particular, through the inevitable
touching of surfaces. The m:PASS technology solved both problems.
To purchase you ticket, just install the App, board the transport or cross the payment line in
metro with your smartphone in the pocket. The rest will be done automatically.
The system provides options for both turnstile and turnstile-free transport.