Legal Lean Natural Cone Leaf Wraps (No Tobacco)

Legal Lean Natural Cone Leaf Wraps (No Tobacco)

Legal Lean Natural Cone Leaf Wraps (No Tobacco)
Legal Lean Natural Cone Leaf Wraps (No Tobacco)
Legal Lean Natural Cone Leaf Wraps (No Tobacco)
Legal Lean Natural Cone Leaf Wraps (No Tobacco)
Legal Lean Natural Cone Leaf Wraps (No Tobacco)
Legal Lean Natural Cone Leaf Wraps (No Tobacco)
Legal Lean Natural Cone Leaf Wraps (No Tobacco)
Legal Lean Natural Cone Leaf Wraps (No Tobacco)
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Legal Lean has a new offering of organic cone leaf wrap. Legal Lean offers its consumers a non-tobacco ‘better-for-you’ (BFY) option that can still be used to fill herbal smoke blends. Its leaf wraps are made from a bidi leaf, which is native of India. Its leaves are organic, hand-rolled and contain no tobacco or other carcinogens. Legal Lean’s cones are extra-slow-burning and help to maintain a nice flavor and pleasuring experience. They come in grape and natural. They also come in two sizes: the minis (88mm) and the king size (120mm) with three- and five-pack varieties.

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