TowerWing Streamliner Overview
TowerWing™ assists tower operators to dramatically increase tower capacity, networkstability and revenue while reducing wind load and structural stress on towers. We provide an innovative solution to combat wind load, drag and turbulence.
The impact of wind load on telecoms towers has long been a serious problem, with overloaded and overstressed towers becoming a headache for infrastructure managers.
Overloaded towers, driven by rapidly growing consumer demand, is increasingly becoming a problem as new infrastructure is costly and takes time to erect, while there is push back from
consumers who do not want more unsightly towers in their areas.
Overstressed towers have a reduced life span and require more maintenance and expensive
upgrades to keep them safe and compliant. Structural and foundation damage occurs as the
tower’s movement increases due to the higher wind load, while increased turbulence from the antennas causes oscillation that results in further damage.
Regulations controlling the number of antennas on a given tower are to protect the infrastructure’s integrity, even if the towers are capable of carrying more, thus limiting capacity.
All this eats into your overall revenue. The efficacy of tower shrouds that attempt to address this is severely limited, and no other solutions have been put forward in years. Until now.
We have developed a ground-breaking, cost effective solution: a streamliner for telecoms towers. It reduces wind load on towers to a level lower than that of an empty tower, by using aerodynamic streamline design principals with innovative engineering. It is the first true innovation in tower infrastructure in decades.
Our streamliner has undergone modelling and testing by the CSIR as well as independent analysis by engineering firms and the results are in: TowerWing™ nearly eliminates the effects of wind load, making it the ideal solution for all telecoms towers, including those that currently exceed the allowable safe antenna capacity.
By rotating with the wind, the streamlined design directs wind smoothly around the tower, reducing the pressure exerted on the tower by the wind and thus the movement of the tower. This, as well as the reduction in turbulence caused by enclosing the antennas, greatly decreases the stress on the structure and its foundations. TowerWing™ improves tower stability and thus network stability, particularly in heavy weather.
Once a TowerWing™ streamliner has been installed on a tower, the tower’s capacity is no longer limited by wind load, but rather by how many antennas you can fit inside the wing. This drastically increases the tower’s capacity and thus potential revenue, increasing the value of you existing infrastructure portfolio.
The TowerWing™ streamliner is manufactured from specialised composite materials which have no negative influence on radio frequency transmissions. The skin covering the streamliner is durable and can be customised to blend in or stand out.
TowerWing™ is a scalable and modular solution that is customised to the specific needs of the tower. This includes considering its operating environment and the load restrictions applicable. It is available for monopole, lattice, and combination towers.
The streamliner does not restrict the accessibility of the tower and allows technicians to work inside it to install or maintain tower infrastructure, without restricting movement. The structure is strong enough to allow technicians to work on it, creating a safe platform inside.
Installing a TowerWing™ streamliner is a simple process that does not require any down time and does not require specialist equipment to install or transport, making for hassle-free adoption. Onsite assembly and installation can be carried out by existing tower maintenance contractors with minimal training.
The reduction in wind load and movement increases the lifespan of the tower and decreases maintenance and upgrade requirements. This cost saving ensures a rapid return on investment, as the TowerWing™ streamliner pays for itself, and a reduction in CAPEX and OPEX as the maintenance and upgrade requirements are decreased.
The increased antenna capacity is a huge boost to potential revenue and increases cosharing capacity, greatly increasing the value of the existing infrastructure portfolio with minimal expenditure, making TowerWing™ a great investment.
Long-term CAPEX is reduced as the need for more towers is decreased, by increasing the functionality of existing towers. The cost of new towers can also be decreased, as a tower with a TowerWing™ streamliner installed, is under much less stress, requiring a less robust structure thus saving cost.
The customisable skin improves tower appearance, while protecting antennas from the elements. A secondary revenue stream can also be generated by advertising on the skin.
Installing a TowerWing™ streamliner gives you peace of mind while increasing your bottom line, with minimal risk and complexity. Our team has years of experience in specialised solutions and are eager to streamline the process. We work with you to create the best solution to your infrastructure portfolio needs. Contacts us today to see how we can help you.
At TowerWing™ we think differently, we think streamlined.