Critical power and back-up for Telecommunications

Critical power and back-up for Telecommunications

Critical power and back-up for Telecommunications
Critical power and back-up for Telecommunications


ADVENT 5KW FUEL CELLS EXCEL AT CHALLENGING POWER APPLICATIONS THAT RELY ON SELF-MAINTENANCE AND REMOTE MONITORING For critical power and back-up, the methanol fuel system by Advent Technologies A/S is perfect. This obviously goes for off-grid installations in remote sites, but in a grid-connected site, renewable energy system also offers all the economic advantages of a traditional grid-tied system like net metering and combines them with the energy independence and self-sufficiency of an off-grid system. The grid can be used as much or as little as desired, based on energy consumption needs and utility rates, because the combination of batteries and fuel cells always provide power to loads if the grid goes down or if peak rate charges are too high. Besides being a clean technology, it is critical to always know the state of backup systems and to be confident in their reliability. Always knowing the state of the system especially for systems which always need to start up in case of break downs, is absolutely critical. You get exactly that with our fuel cells, which are self-maintaining and can be accessed remotely. Stationary fuel cell systems also take up much less space in proportion to other clean energy technologies. Our fuel cell unit is recognised for being compact. This is a great benefit in high densely populated areas, where space scarce roof-tops, often small and difficult to access, are preferred installation locations. We already have specialized experience from more than several hundreds roof-top installations, where we can meet the various requirements for noise reduction, roof load and footprint. Our serene fuel cell systems are scalable to provide 5, 10 or 15kW.

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