Can We Talk About Patrilineal Descent?

Can We Talk About Patrilineal Descent?

Sunday, December 3, 2023 5:15 PM to 6:15 PM · 1 hr. (America/New_York)
Laurel CD


This year marks 40 years since the Reform Movement passed its landmark Resolution on Patrilineal Descent. Since then, Conservative/Masorti rabbis, cantors, executive directors, and lay leaders have faced the reality of a substantial and growing number of people in our midst who view themselves as Jewish but who were not born to a Jewish mother. While we'll briefly consider the history of matrilineal Jewish identity, this session is intended to facilitate sharing and a free exchange of ideas. Given the reality of modern families and ready availability of genetic testing, are our reasons for preserving matrilineal descent still valid? Does maintaining the status quo align with our egalitarian values? Our commitment to LGBTIA+ inclusion? How has it felt when we've needed to turn people away from our synagogues and institutions? Is the language of "completion" or "affirmation" instead of conversion sufficient to create meaningful portals of entry?

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