Independent QA/QC Services
Aurum provides a full suite of Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) services covering every stage of an exploration programme, from the core barrel to resource database. Our approach is to work with the client to design QA/QC procedures which are project specific and ensure that sampling protocols are compliant with international reporting codes.
Aurum can review all aspects of a sampling programme and provide practical advice on how QA/QC procedures can be improved and implemented. Independent monitoring of QA/QC data is a key aspect of the Aurum service. Our team can assess the performance of control samples within your laboratory results and notify you promptly if any issues are identified. Aurum will also advise on the most likely reason for control sample failure and make recommendations on appropriate corrective actions.
The best QA/QC procedures encompass all aspects of a sampling programme; from collection though to final analysis. Laboratory reviews are an important component of any QA/QC policy. Every laboratory is different and subtle variations in preparation and analytical procedures can be critical in identifying the reason for control sample failure. Our experienced personnel can review laboratory operations and ensure that best practice is followed in each case.
Aurum provides the client with reports which document the implementation and outcomes of all changes to QA/QC procedure. Integral to this is the inclusion of performance charts which record the influence of revised QA/QC policies over time. Our reports provide independent verification of the QA/QC policies which support a drilling database and any derived mineral resource estimation.