Target & Project Generation
Aurum excels in target-generation studies for clients’ existing exploration projects. We have a successful track record in conceptualizing new exploration targets for inclusion in custom exploration property portfolios. Our clients include exploration and mining companies, and private investors.
• Target generation and exploration modeling
• Conceptual targeting
• Commodity or country-specific targeting
• Country or regional metallogeny
• Ground truthing and staking
• Target report and work programme recommendations
Our work focuses on the full comprehension and summarising of the geological history and metallogeny of the area of interest. Through subsequent data capture we build databases of available drilling, geochemical, geophysical and geological information.
Iterative processing and synthesis of these data form the basis of target-generation studies for the commodities of interest, into suitable mineralizing systems/models. Recommendations for further work include the protection of prospective ground under relevant licensing procedures, and/or applications for exploration licences for specific target areas.