Sudan - Gold (Target generation, exploration, resource estimation)
Case Studies
Aurum were contracted by private Sudanese exploration and mining company Kambal International Company Ltd to carry out regional target generation on two of their licenced blocks in Sudan located in Kassala State and Red Sea Hills State within the Arabian Nubian Shield. The exploration target models include orogenic lode gold, reduced intrusion related gold systems, and volcanogenic massive sulphide type (VMS).
Aurum have supplied project management guidance as well as technical field assistance working along side and developing the companies best prospect targets through grass roots exploration mapping and prospecting, trenching and drilling (reverse circulation and diamond core) alongside regional remote sensing interpretation. Aurum have also created 3D geological models and preliminary resource models on the primary project.
• Target generation studies based on geological mapping, geochemical sampling (pitting and trenching) and remote sensing studies
• Project management during resource definition RC and core drilling
• Designing and implementing QAQC programmes
• Training of local staff
• Drill hole interpretation and constructing of wireframe models used in resource estimation.